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Please see the below link to the parent volunteer form as well as the ad form

Access the parent volunteer form here. 

Each year as we put together the program we offer parents the opportunity to personally support and acknowledge their child and all of the hard work they have done. Additionally, we use the program as an opportunity for businesses in our community to highlight their company while supporting the fine arts at BHS. Below are the specifics regarding what you can include in the program and the coordinating cost.

Business Ads - text and camera ready art due to Melissa Laufenberg no later than March 22nd.  Please submit Business Ads via this Google Form Chicago Business Sponsors & Ads.  A sheet detailing the ads is attached that can be handed out to businesses. Please send business ads and purchase details to above email.
a. Half Page $100
b. Full Page $150
c. Featured Sponsor -  Back cover, full color $500 
d. Featured Sponsor - Inside Back cover, full color $400
e. Featured Sponsor - Inside Front cover, full color $400
f. Featured Sponsor Inside Black and White Page $250


Student Ads / Break A Legs - We offer the following options for Student Ads / Break A Legs (Deadline is March 1st)
1)  Break-A-Leg Ad:             20-24 words of text - included with others ($20)
2)  Quarter Page Ad:          1/4 page ad which allows for text and/or (1) picture  ($50)
3)  Half Page Ad:                 1/2 page ad which allows for text and/or (1-2) pictures  ($75)
4)  Full Page Ad:                   1 page ad which allows for text and/or (2-4) pictures depending on size ($100)

You may submit your Break A Leg / Program Ads via the Google Form Chicago Student Ad / Break A Leg Order Form 

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